"Se cree que el número de posibles moléculas y materiales estables supera con creces el número de átomos en el universo conocido. Una tarea que los ordenadores clásicos más grandes imaginables no podrían resolver." ¡Si estas frases te suenan a chino mandarín, o la computación cuántica te suena a algo igual de complejo que mandar un cohete a la luna, esta sesión es para ti! Veremos de una forma muy sencilla, qué es, cómo funciona, para qué sirve y sus casos de uso, ventajas, y otras curiosidades de la computación cuántica con Azure Quantum, incluso haremos algún pinito en Q#. Al final todos seremos capaces de mandar nuestros cohetes a la luna, únete a la exploración cuántica y ayúdanos a lograr el primer atasco lunar.
From 'IT Pro Evangelist' to 'Free Spirit'... A new adventure is about to begin every day.
Passionate about intelligent energy systems, sustainability, and circular economy.
We seek to provide a respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race or religion. We do not tolerate any behavior that is harassing or degrading to any individual, in any form. The Code of Conduct will be enforced.
All live stream organizers using the Global Azure brand and Global Azure speakers are responsible for knowing and abiding by these standards. Each speaker who wishes to submit through our Call for Presentations needs to read and accept the Code of Conduct. We encourage every organizer and attendee to assist in creating a welcoming and safe environment. Live stream organizers are required to inform and enforce the Code of Conduct if they accept community content to their stream.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, report it. Please report any concerns, suspicious or disruptive activity or behavior directly to any of the live stream organizers, or directly to the Global Azure admins at team@globalazure.net. All reports to the Global admin team will remain confidential.
We expect local organizers to set up and enforce a Code of Conduct for all Global Azure live stream.
A good template can be found at https://confcodeofconduct.com/, including internationalized versions at https://github.com/confcodeofconduct/confcodeofconduct.com. An excellent version of a Code of Conduct, not a template, is built by the DDD Europe conference at https://dddeurope.com/2020/coc/.